Revue Prescrire, article en une, Medicines in Europe July 2002
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Medicines policy in danger
Drugs treated like consumer goods, and patients like simple consumers; this may well become the norm if the proposed changes to European medicines policy, supported by the European Commission's Enterprises Directorate, hand in hand with the industrial lobby, are adopted.
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Medicines in Europe: campaigning goes on!
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Reorienting European Medicines Policy
Full report (354 Ko, pdf):
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In 4 parts:
Part 1 (134 Ko, pdf)
Part 2 (164 Ko, pdf)
Part 3 (121 Ko, pdf)
Part 4 (146 Ko, pdf)

To clarify matters, we publish a series of documents and analyses of European medicines policy, which applies in most Member States (to download, see opposite).

• A call to national and European policy-makers • A free hand • Pharmaceutical policy is now decided at the European level • Distribution of roles within the European Union • European pharmaceutical policy is turning its back on public health • CPMP member's standpoint • An industry-serving pharmaceutical policy • Dangers of the mutual recognition procedure • Towards a medicines policy that supports basic public health needs • Internet: Drugs agencies have a duty to inform; FDA: an example of transparency; FDA MedWatch; EMEA: fake transparency

The overriding aim of the Forum, of which Association Mieux Prescrire and la revue Prescrire are active members, is to inform all those concerned by European medicines policy.
More information: Medicines in Europe Forum

©La revue Prescrire 14 July 2002